
Japan SRO Resolutions

Event Publicly Available Information:


Japan DC Decision 02032016

March 2, 2016: SRO Project- Japan Determinations Committee publishes list of Standard Reference Obligations

The Japan DC resolved today, Wednesday 2 March 2016, to publish SRO Identification Resolutions in respect of the bonds coloured in green in the Annex.

These SRO Identification Resolutions are subject to challenge by Eligible Market Participants until 5:00pm (London time) on Wednesday, 9 March 2016. Following such deadline and subject to there being no challenges received, the resolutions shall constitute the final SRO Identification Resolutions and the Potential SROs contained in the SRO Identification Resolutions will constitute the Standard Reference Obligations for the relevant Reference Entities and Seniority Levels and will be published.

Please send any challenges to the SRO Administrator by 5.00pm (London time) on Wednesday, 9 March 2016.