
Nordic Telephone Company Holding ApS

Event Publicly Available Information:

See website link - http://tdc.com/ir/releases/index.php?id=466940 In connection with the merger of Nordic Telephone Company Holding ApS (NTCH), Nordic Telephone Company Finance ApS, Nordic Telephone Company Investment ApS and Nordic Telephone Company Administration ApS (NTCA), the latter has received Nordic Telephone Company Holding ApS' 174,369,910 shares in TDC A/S, equivalent to 87.9% of the aggregate share capital and 87.9% of the total voting rights. NTCH was dissolved as part of the merger and NTCA repaces NTCH as issuer under the 2016 Notes.There are no other bonds at the NTCH entity.

ClosedEMEA Determinations Committee Decision 14042010b
DC DeliberatingEMEA Determinations Committee Decision 10032010
Request Accepted by DC
Pending DC Consent