
Raiffeisen Zentralbank Österreich Aktiengesellschaft

Event Publicly Available Information:

On 9 October 2010 the demerger of the main part of RZB's assets and liabilities, constituting RZB's "corporate customer business" division including associated shareholdings, to Cembra Beteiligungs AG ("Cembra"), a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of RZB, was registered in the Austrian commercial register. On 10 October 2010 the merger of Cembra into its majority-owned subsidiary Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding AG ("RI") was registered in the Austrian commercial register. On the same day RI, being the absorbing entity of the merger, changed its name to Raiffeisen Bank International AG. http://www.rzb.at/eBusiness/rzb_template2/677051657971876801-NA-684405692831892389-NA-10-EN.html

ClosedEMEA Determinations Committee Decision 10052011
Request Accepted by DC
Pending DC Consent