
The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.



June  4, 2013: The DC determined, based on the information available to it at the time, that a Succession Event had occurred with respect to Royal Bank of Scotland N.V. and that the date of the Succession Event was on or around 10 September 2012, and that RBS plc was the sole Successor.” 

Vote Deferred

April 9 2013: The DC reconvened to continue to discuss the potential RBS Succession Event. The DC agreed to continue to seek to resolve the percentage of Relevant Obligations that have been transferred and to reconvene once further information is available.

Vote Deferred

EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 09262012

September 26, 2012: The DC reconvened to discuss the potential RBS Succession Event following the completion of certain further transfers as highlighted in the DC statement following the 9 February 2012 meeting. The DC members agreed to defer resolution of the issue pending further clarification on the Relevant Obligations transferred.


Vote DeferredEMEA Determinations Committee Decision 09022011
Please refer to EMEA DC Explanatory Statement
DC DeliberatingEMEA Determinations Committee Decision 02112011
Request Accepted by DC