
Banca Italease S.p.A.

Event Publicly Available Information:

On March 9, 2015, Banca Italease S.p.A. and Banco Popolare signed the deed of merger of the subsidiary Banca Italease S.p.A. into the parent company Banco Popolare. From a civil law perspective, the merger took effect on March 16, 2015, after the registration of the merger deed with the competent enterprise registries.
News Release


EMEA DC Decision 02042015 - Banca Italease S.p.A. Succession Event

Request Accepted by DC

Pursuant to the standing resolution passed by the EMEA Determinations Committee (DC) on June 21, 2010, the first meeting of the EMEA DC to deliberate the DC Questions relating to this DC Issue has been deferred pending deliberation of such DC Questions by the EMEA DC legal subcommittee.