
General Electric Capital Corporation

Event Publicly Available Information:

Succession of General Electric Capital Corporation (“GECC”) to General Electric Corporation (“GE”).

Excerpts from 8-K filed in December 2015: "Effective December 2, 2015, GECC merged with and into GE (the “Merger”) to assure compliance with debt covenants as GECC exits the assets planned for disposition. Upon the Merger, the obligations of GECC under its then outstanding debt obligations were assumed by GE (the “GE Debt Assumption”)" … "On December 2, 2015, as part of the GE Debt Assumption and as a result of the Merger, GE succeeded to GECC and assumed the obligations of GECC under all of GECC’s outstanding indebtedness and other financial obligations"

EDGAR Filing Documents

Form 8-K dated December 2, 2015



DC Decision 01282016

January 28, 2016: The DC determined that General Electric Company became the sole Successor to General Electric Capital Corporation on December 2, 2015

Request Accepted by DC

DC Decision 01202016

Request Accepted by DC

DC Decision 01072016

Request Accepted by DC
Pending DC Consent