
Banco Popolare – Società Cooperativa

Event Publicly Available Information:

Has Banco BPM Società per Azioni succeeded to Banco Popolare – Società Cooperativa with effect as of 1 January 2017?

Notice - Merger between Banco Popolare and BPM effective on 1 January 2017


EMEA DC Decision 13022017

February 13, 2017: The DC determined that Banco BPM Società per Azioni (Banco BPM) became the sole Successor to Banco Popolare Società Cooperativa (BP) on 1 January 2017.

A press release by Banco BPM dated 1 January 2017 (link) confirmed that the merger between Banca Popolare di Milano S.c.a.r.l. (BPM) and BP was effective on 1 January 2017 and the shares of the merging companies would be replaced by shares of Banco BPM.  An English translation of a report of the Board of Directors of BP dated 12 September 2016 (link) further stated that “pursuant to Article 2504-bis of the Italian Civil Code, due to the merger, [Banco BPM] will assume rights and obligations of [BPM and BP], continuing in all their relationships, including those relating to legal proceedings existing prior to the merger.”

Request Accepted by DC

Pursuant to the standing resolution passed by the EMEA Determinations Committee (DC) on June 21, 2010, the first meeting of the EMEA DC to deliberate the DC Questions relating to this DC Issue has been deferred pending deliberation of such DC Questions by the EMEA DC legal subcommittee.

Please refer to EMEA_DC_Standing_Resolution_210610.

Pending DC Consent