Credit Event

Alitalia Società Aerea Italiana S.p.A

Event Publicly Available Information:


in extraordinary administration n~ii1 I Allitalia f~

For immediate release

Fiumicino, 31 May 2017

Press Release - Public disclosure of inside information pursuant to Article 17


ln relation to the issuance by Alitalia - Società Aerea Italiana S.p.A. (hereinafter,

\"Alitalia\" or the \"Issuer\") of:

(i) \"Euro 375,000,000 5.20 per cent. Notes due 30 July 2020\", ISIN

XS1263964576, listed on the \"MSM\" market of the Irish Stock Exchange;

(ii) \"USD 131,922,000 6.31% Notes due 28 September 2020\", ISIN

IT0005137002, listed on the \"Third Market\" (MTF) of Wiener Börse AG

(Vienna Stock Exchange);

(iii) \"USD 99,500,000 6.31% Notes due 1 June 2021\", ISIN IT0005158099, listed

on the \"Third Market\" (MTF) of Wiener Börse AG (Vienna Stock Exchange);

(hereinafter, the notes under (i) above, the \"Euro Denominated Notes\", and the notes

under (ii) and (iii) above, the \"USD Denominated Notes\")

Subject: Admission to Extraordinary Administration Procedure of the Issuer and

occurrence of an Event of Default in relation to the Euro Denominated Notes

and of a Relevant Event in relation to the USD Denominated Notes

We hereby give notice that, by means of Decree of the Italian Minister of the Economic

Development dated 2 May 2017 (the \"Decree\"), Alitalia has been admitted to the extraordinary

administration procedure provided for large insolvent companies, pursuant to article 2,

paragraph 2, of the Italian law decree No. 347 of 23 December 2003 (converted with

amendments into law No. 39 of 18 February 2004, as subsequently amended). Pursuant to


Via A.Nassetti

ALFA Building

00054 Fiumicino (RM)


Tel. [+39] 06 6563 1

Share Capital€ 103,105,126.99

fully paid-up with registered office

in Fiumicino (RM)

Tax ID, Vat Code and registration number

in the Companies Register

of Rome 13029381004,

Rome Economic and

Administrative Register n.1418603


the Decree, Messrs. Luigi Gubitosi, Enrico Laghi and Stefano Paleari have been appointed as

the extraordinary commissioners of the procedure.

By means of decision No. 17/2017 dated 11 May 2017, the Court of Civitavecchia declared the

insolvency of Alitalia.

Copy of the Decree and of the decision of the Court of Civitavecchia mentioned above are

available on the website http://corporate.alitalia.it

As a consequence of the above, we hereby also give notice of the occurrence of:

(i) a \"Relevant Event\" pursuant to the Terms and Conditions in relation to the Notes \"USO

131,922,000 6.31% Notes due 28 September 2020\";

(ii) a \"Relevant Event\" pursuant to the Terms and Conditions in relation to the Notes \"USO

99,500,000 6.31% Notes due 1 June 2021\"; and

(iii) an \"Event of Default\" pursuant to the Terms and Conditions in relation to the Notes

\"Euro 375,000,000 5.20 per cent. Notes due 30 July 2020\".

Pursuant to Articles 55 of the Italian Bankruptcy law (which is applicable to extraordinary

administration pursuant to Article 169 of the Italian Bankruptcy law, Article 18 of the Italian

Legislative Decree 270/1999 and Article 4 of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 347 of 23

December 2003) following admission to the procedure, Alitalia\'s monetary payment obligations

are considered expired and due at the date of the Decree.

Alitalia and Etihad Investment Holding Company LLC (\"Etihad\") entered into a debt assumption

agreement (accollo) relating to the payment obligations of Alitalia under the USD Denominated

Notes, having effects only between the parties (accollo interno) and without release of Alitalia

of any payment obligations arising out of the USD Denominated Notes.

Under such agreement, Etihad does not assume any payment obligations vis-à-vis the holders

of the USD Denominated Notes.

The obligations of Alitalia towards the holders of the Notes will be treated in accordance with

the applicable Italian Bankruptcy law provisions.




Name: Mr. Matteo Mancinelli

Position: General Counsel

Phone number: +39 06 6563 5125

Email address: Matteo.Mancinelli@alitalia.com

Alitalia - Società Aerea Italiana S.p.A. in Amministrazione Straordinaria

Pal. Alfa

Via Alberto Nassetti

00054 Fiumicino (Rome)

Website: www.alitalia.com

Press Release