
Ingersoll-Rand Company

Event Publicly Available Information:


Americas DC Statement – Issue Number 2020102201 (Ingersoll-Rand Company) – 11/05/20

Americas DC Decision – Issue Number 2020102201 (Ingersoll-Rand Company) – 11/05/20


Americas DC Decision - Issue Number 2020102201 (Ingersoll-Rand Company) - 11/03/20 

Americas DC Statement November 3, 2020:

The Americas DC will publish a Statement shortly providing greater detail behind its determination that (i) Old Trane became the Universal Successor to Ingersoll-Rand Company with a Succession Date of May 1, 2020, and (ii) there is no Successor with respect to Old Trane (which has ceased to exist as a result of a divisional merger on May 1, 2020).


The Americas DC Legal Subcommittee met on November 2, 2020 to discuss the Ingersoll-Rand Company Succession question and agreed to continue discussions tomorrow, November 3, 2020.

Request Accepted by DC
Pending DC Consent