Credit Event

Avon Products, Inc.

Event Publicly Available Information:

Avon Products, Inc. has filed for Ch.11 on 8/12/2024. Should credit event action be held?

Court filings
Co press release

Auction Timeline

Credit Event Resolution Request DateAugust 13, 2024

Auction DateSeptember 24, 2024

Auction Settlement Datethe later of three Business Days after the Auction Final Price Determination Date and September 27, 2024

Final Deliverable Obligation List

Americas DC - Final List of Deliverable Obligations - Issue Number 2024081301(Avon Products Inc)

Auction Settlement Terms

2024 Avon Products, Inc. Credit Derivatives Auction Settlement Terms 9/19/2024

Redline of Auction Settlement Terms against Rite Aid Corporation

Revised Timetable for the Avon Products, Inc. Auction 2024



Dates for Avon Products, Inc. Auction


The DC Secretary to publish Preliminary List of potential Deliverable Obligations

Thursday September 5, 2024


Deadline for submission of additional obligations to further list of potential Deliverable Obligations

Monday September 9, 2024


DC Secretary to publish the Initial List of potential Deliverable Obligations

Thursday September 12, 2024



Deadline for Challenge Submissions

5:00pm Tuesday September 17, 2024


Deadline for Response Submissions

5:00pm Thursday September 19, 2024


Deadline for resolving challenges / Publication of Final List

5:00pm / 7:00pm Friday September 20, 2024


Auction Date

Tuesday September 24, 2024