
Bombardier Inc. and Bombardier Capital Ltd

Event Publicly Available Information:

https://www.ic.gc.ca/app/scr/cc/CorporationsCanada/fdrlCrpDtls.html?corpId=8369470 The PAI describes a Canadian law amalgamation in which the old Reference Entity (Bombardier Inc.) alamgamated with Bombardier Capital Ltd on 2nd January 2012. As a result of the amalgamation both entities were dissolved and a new entity, also called Bombardier Inc, was created. This new entity has a different Canadian company number and is a different legal entity to the old Bombardier Inc. Pursuant to the terms of a Canadian law amalgamation the new entity has succeeded to all of the rights and obligations of the extinguished amalgamated entities (including the old Reference Entity) so a Succession Event under 2.2(a)(i) of the Definitions has therefore occurred.


DC Decision 040413


DC Decision 040113


DC Decision 32713

Request Accepted by DC
Pending DC Consent