Event Publicly Available Information:
Is Constellium SE the Successor to Constellium N.V.?
SEC Filing: http://cstm.ir.edgar-online.com/fetchFilingFrameset.aspx?FilingID=13516513&Type=HTML&filename=CONSTELLIUM_NV_6-K
Reference Entity webpage: https://www.constellium.com/investors/sec-filings
Date | Description | Document |
Closed | EMEA DC Decision August 6, 2019 EMEA DC Statement August 6, 2019: The EMEA DC considered the conversion of Constellium N.V. (a Dutch public limited liability company) into Constellium SE (a Societas Europea) effective 28 June 2019. The Constellium SEC filing states that the Conversion was accomplished by (i) the execution of a deed of conversion including an amendment to the articles of Constellium N.V. and (ii) the registration of the conversion and amended articles at the Dutch trade register. This also effected the name change. The SEC filing states that the conversion was pursuant to the European Council Regulation No. 2157/2001 and Section 10 of the Dutch Implementation Act (Uitvoeringswet verordening Europese vennootschap) without the liquidation of Constellium N.V. or the creation of a new legal person. Note that as Constellium N.V. has now converted into Constellium SE, Credit Derivative Transactions that specified Constellium N.V. as the Reference Entity should instead be read as specifying Constellium SE as the Reference Entity. | |
Request Accepted by DC | ||
Pending DC Consent |