
ConvaTec Healthcare E SA

Event Publicly Available Information:

1. Public filing of the terms of the merger*

2. Confirmation that the Reference Entity has ceased to exist*

*Both submitted separately to ISDA as pdf documents


DC Decision 11052018

DC Statement 11052018


DC Decision 28022018

EMEA DC Statement 28 February 2018: The EMEA DC met on 28 February 2018 to discuss the Universal Successor question relating to ConvaTec Healthcare E SA for the purposes of 2014 Transactions. The EMEA DC resolved to defer the determination of this DC question pending further investigations as to the existence of any Relevant Obligations immediately prior to the merger with ConvaTec Healthcare D S.a R.L/ The EMEA DC will reconvene in due course to continue discussions.

Request Accepted by DC
Pending DC Consent

Convatec Healthcare E SA_14-07-2017

Convatec Healthcare E SA_11-10-2016