
ING Verzekeringen N.V.

Event Publicly Available Information:

On February 28, 2014, ING Verzekeringen N.V. and ING Insurance Topholding N.V. entered into a merger agreement providing for the merger of ING Verzekeringen N.V. into ING Insurance Topholding N.V.  On 1st March 2014 ING Insurance Topholding N.V. completed the merger in following manner:

Effective 1 March 2014, ING Verzekeringen N.V. merged with into ING Insurance Topholding N.V.

Following the merger, the separate legal existence of ING Verzekeringen N.V. ceased.

Subsequently (also on 1 March, 2014), ING Insurance Topholding N.V. changed its name to NN Group N.V.
ING Debt securities information
Deed of merger dated 28 February 2014
Annual report 20f dated 17 March 2014
Debt securities of NN Group NV 6.375% due 2027


EMEA Determinations Committee Decision - 9 May 2014

Request Accepted by DC

Pursuant to the standing resolution passed by the EMEA Determinations Committee (DC) on June 21, 2010, the first meeting of the EMEA DC to deliberate the DC Questions relating to this DC Issue has been deferred pending deliberation of such DC Questions by the EMEA DC legal subcommittee.

Please refer to the EMEA_DC_Standing_Resolution_21_June_2010

Pending DC Consent