
Sears Roebuck Acceptance Corp


DC Decision January 4, 2019

Americas DC Statement January 4, 2019

The Americas DC met on January 4, 2019 to discuss Issue Number 2018121801, Issue Number 2019010201 and Issue Number 2019010202 in connection with the Sears Roebuck Acceptance Corp. (SRAC) Auction.

With respect to the request received by the Americas DC asking it to consider amending the Auction Settlement Terms, the Americas DC resolved not to make any changes to the Auction Settlement Terms as the Auction Settlement Terms continue to broadly reflect the outcomes available to market participants which would have been available if Physical Settlement had been the applicable Settlement Method, consistent with 3.2(d) of the DC Rules.


Americas DC Statement January 4, 2019

The Americas DC met on January 3, 2019 to discuss Issue Number 2018121801, Issue Number 2018122001, Issue Number 2018122101, Issue Number 2019010201 and Issue Number 2019010202 in connection with the Sears Roebuck Acceptance Corp. Auction (SRAC).

With respect to the request received by the Americas DC asking it to consider working with the relevant “regulatory and supervisory bodies” to de-compose the CDX High Yield credit indices, the Americas DC noted that Markit North America Inc., as administrator of the CDX High Yield credit indices, is the appropriate body to address this request.  Market participants who wish to consider this further should discuss this with Markit North America, Inc.

With respect to the request received by the Americas DC asking it to add the alternative tranche line of credit loan (the Alternative Tranche L/C Loan) to the Final List of Deliverable Obligations with respect to SRAC, the Americas DC dismissed this issue as it has already determined that the Alternative Tranche L/C Loan is not a Deliverable Obligation of SRAC.  Market participants should refer to the meeting statement of November 5, 2018 for further detail.

With respect to the request received by the Americas DC asking it to add the senior note issued by Sears Holding Corp and guaranteed by SRAC (CUSIP: 812350AE6) to the Final List of Deliverable Obligations with respect to SRAC, the Americas DC dismissed the issue as this obligation does not constitute a Qualifying Affiliate Guarantee and is therefore not a Deliverable Obligation of SRAC.

The Americas DC met on January 4, 2019 to continue discussions in connection with SRAC and a statement in relation to that meeting will follow.


Americas DC Statement January 3, 2019:

The Americas DC met to discuss Issue Number 2018121801, Issue Number 2018122001, Issue Number 2018122101, Issue Number 2019010201 and Issue Number 2019010202 in connection with the Sears Roebuck Acceptance Corp. Auction (SRAC). The Americas DC agreed to reconvene on Friday, January 4, 2019 at 11AM EST to continue discussions with respect to the SRAC Auction.


Americas DC Statement December 24, 2018:

The Americas DC has accepted this question and has agreed to convene at 11AM EST on January 3, 2019 to consider the issue.



Request Accepted by DC