Japan DC Decision 23052016 - Sharp Corporation (Issue Number 2016040301)
May 23, 2016: The DC continued discussions in respect of the potential Restructuring Credit Event relating to Sharp Corporation and resolved that no Restructuring Credit Event had occurred in these circumstances. The reasoning behind the determination of the DC that no Restructuring Credit Event had occurred in respect of Sharp Corporation was that, based on the information available, the short extension of the maturity of the debt due on March 31, 2016 was considered by the DC to be part of a refinancing process and not caused by a deterioration in the creditworthiness of Sharp Corporation.
Japan DC Decision 20052016 - Sharp Corporation (Issue Number 2016040301)
May 20, 2016: The Japan DC met on Friday 20 May 2016 to discuss the DC Question and agreed to meet again on Monday 23 May 2016 to continue discussions on the DC Question.
Japan DC Decision 13052016 - Sharp Corporation (Issue Number 2016040301)
May 13, 2016: The Japan DC met on Friday 13 May 2016 to discuss the DC Question and agreed to meet again on a date to be selected by the DC Secretary, which, in any event, will be no later than Friday 20 May 2016, to continue discussions on the DC Question.
Japan DC Decision 06052016 - Sharp Corporation (Issue Number 2016040301)
May 6, 2016: The Japan DC decided on Friday 6 May 2016 to defer the next meeting to discuss this DC Question to another date to be selected by the DC Secretary, which, in any event, will be no later than Friday 13 May 2016.
Request Accepted by DC
Japan DC Decision 22042016 - Sharp Corporation (Issue Number 2016040301)
April 22, 2016: The Japan DC met on Friday 22 April 2016 to discuss the DC Question and agreed to meet again on a date to be selected by the DC Secretary, which, in any event, will be no later than Friday 6 May 2016, to continue discussions on the DC Question.
Request Accepted by DC
Japan DC Decision 13042016 - Sharp Corporation (Issue Number 2016040301)
April 13, 2016: The Japan DC met on Wednesday 13 April 2016 to discuss the DC Question and agreed that translations of information already received and further information was required for this DC Question to be considered. The Japan DC resolved to meet again on a date to be selected by the DC Secretary, which, in any event, will be no later than next Friday 22 April 2016, to continue discussions on the DC Question.
Request Accepted by DC
Japan DC Decision 07042016 - Sharp Corporation (Issue Number 2016040301)
April 7, 2016: The Japan DC met on Thursday 7 April 2016 to discuss the DC Question and agreed that further information was required for this DC Question to be considered. The Japan DC resolved to meet again on Wednesday 13 April 2016 to continue discussions on the DC Question.
Request Accepted by DC
Pending DC Consent