4/26/2013 10:15am EDT
List of Participating Bidders Published
See Event Terms and Obligations
4/03/2013 07:20am EDT
Final Auction Terms Published
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 20032013
3/20/2013 11:30am EDT
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 19032013
“March 19, 2013 : The DC convened to discuss whether one or more Auctions should be held to settle the groups of Trigger Transactions in respect of the various Maturity Buckets for SNS Bank N.V. and resolved to hold an Auction in respect of the 2.5 year Maturity Buckets and an Auction in respect of the Seller Bucket (see Decision 19.03.2013 for more detail). The DC will vote to approve publication of the Auction Settlement Terms within the next day.”
3/19/2013 12:10pm EDT
Final List Published
Final List
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 11032013
3/11/2013 12:35pm EDT
Supplemental List Published
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 08032013
March 8, 2013: The DC considered Supplemental Obligations that had been proposed, and are awaiting further information before making a decision on them. The DC will vote to approve the Final List following the end of the challenge period.
3/08/2013 10:00am EST
Supplemental List Published
Supplemental List
3/06/2013 07:05pm EST
Initial List Published
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 04032013
March 4, 2013: The DC convened to continue discussions regarding the Initial List of Deliverable Obligations and resolved to publish the Initial List.
3/04/2013 01:00pm EST
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 27022013
February 27, 2013: The DC convened to commence discussions regarding the Initial List of Deliverable Obligations and agreed to reconvene on Monday March 4, 2013.
2/27/2013 09:15am EST
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 19022013
February 19, 2013: The DC voted to potentially hold one or more Auctions. The DC agreed to hold a separate meeting on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 to begin discussing potential Deliverable Obligations.
2/27/2013 02:14pm EST
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 14022013 SNS
February 14, 2013: The DC discussed whether or not to hold one or more Auctions to settle Relevant Transactions in respect of the Restructuring Credit Event Resolution regarding SNS Bank N.V. and agreed to meet again to continue discussions once clarification regarding the volume of transactions on this name has been obtained.
2/19/2013 01:52pm EST
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 13022013 SNS
February 13, 2013: The DC discussed the nationalization of the Reference Entity and the expropriation of the subordinated debt, and voted on the DC Question. The DC agreed that a Restructuring Credit Event occurred , under Section 4.7 (a)(ii) of the 2003 Credit Definitions, on February 1, 2013 and agreed to hold a separate meeting on February 14, 2013 to discuss whether one or more Auctions should potentially be held.
2/13/2013 01:40pm EST
Vote Deferred
EMEA Determinations Committee Decision 12022013
February 12, 2013: The DC continued to discuss the potential Credit Event in respect of SNS Bank N.V. and resolved to meet again tomorrow, February 13, 2013 to continue discussions.
2/12/2013 03:30pm EST
Vote Deferred
February 6, 2013 : The DC discussed the nationalization of the Reference Entity and the expropriation of the subordinated debt and voted to defer resolution of the issue pending further clarification of certain issues.
2/06/2013 02:55pm EST
Request Accepted by DC
2/04/2013 06:10pm EST
Pending DC Consent
2/04/2013 10:45am EST